Work / Proton
Brand Audit, Brand Strategy and Brand Design for one of the first GSM stores in Romania.
When Proton, a local Orange reseller, wanted to go national, innerpride was asked to devise a new retail brand, visually strong and easy to scale.
The main challenge was to build a new brand that can be distinctive enough on the national landscape and able to stand on its own. Most of the GSM resellers counted on the notoriety of their partners and counted this notoriety as „their brand”. innerpride wanted to establish a standalone brand that would not depend on the notoriety provided by the GSM partner.
The solution provided by innerpride after an extensive audit program is revolving around a strong differentiating color - Proton Magenta. In retail branding, owning a color it's one of the most important aspect of a successful branding / rebranding process. Custom typography was used to create a logotype as powerful as it is simple. The graphic accident used to enhance the logotype was part design part lucky coincidence, since the letter structure allowed us to create a smiley face just by adding a tilted parenthesis under the T.
Everything was designed from scratch, from the custom letters to chairs and custom display units. It involved a massive effort of developing a singular brand expression in graphic design and in architectural terms.
The project ended with the first retail brand manual created by a Romanian agency. This manual was designed as a tool to make the opening of a new store as easy as possible. It contained every information needed to make the process smooth, saving money and speeding up the process.
After the rebrand the network grew from 3 stores to 6 in only one year and established itself as a standalone brand people could easily identify. After Vodafone acquired several national resellers, Proton was the only brand that was not discontinued. This came to prove the international standards innerpride sets for its projects.
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania