Branding and naming for Romania’s first roofing solutions integrator
To support its endeavor of uncommon growth, our client needed to converge transformation efforts around a whole new business model that took into account the needs, behaviors and expectations of customers today. inner*pride identified an unmet need on this fragmented market – a roofing solutions integrator, one who could bring together not only different technical solutions but also different suppliers who were constantly battling for market share. Before MULTIDOM, a place where the main players in the market would be side by side was inconceivable.
MULTIDOM is a an example of a brand developed strategically from an opportunity and a need identified in the market. Every decision starting with the name and ending with the choice of colors was guided by a clearly defined strategy rooted in extensive research.
George Nisioiu, founder & partner, innerpride
The strategic challenge we faced was to create a brand that would sit in the second row letting the brands it sells shine. How do you develop a strong brand identity without using the usual gimmicks – strong colors, unconventional typography, or a sassy tone of voice? A brand that would work just because is the silent hero?
Starting with this clear objective in mind, innerpride developed the name MULTIDOM, a name poised to encompass the idea of a large brand portfolio (MULTI) under one roof (DOME).
MULTIDOM was chosen from a pool of over 200 names and concepts we explored.
At the center of the new identity is the symbol that has been designed to be as flexible and adaptable as possible for its many different applications (print, web, 3D).
The design team studied several creative routes only to arrive at a simple solution that combines the shape of a roof seen from above with a highly geometric shape of the letter M. The monogram is both abstract and literal, creating the appearance of a tangible object in line with MULTIDOM’s delivery of enduring roofing solutions.
Started from the symbol we developed a comprehensive design language that had to be versatile enough to work from print to signage and architectural applications.
Bringing together key players in the industry to create a new type of business was no easy task.
MULTIDOM is the first of its kind, testing the potential of a business model yet to be mapped out. Before MULTIDOM, a place where the main players in the market would be side by side was inconceivable. Now the number of producers that have singed in is constantly growing forcing the brand to expand even further.
The new strategy, name, brand identity and corresponding campaign herald the future of roofing solutions distribution in Romania—not just for MULTIDOM, but for what consumers should demand from the producers.
From an idea that seemed a bit too daring to a full-fledged business model and a brand expression that is ahead of its time, MULTIDOM has proven to be not only a success story but an important milestone for Romania’s roofing market.
Oliver Pricop, Marketing Manager MULTIDOM
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania