Work / Lektor
Rebranding for a top national language training provider
Since 2009, Lektor has been a staple in the local educational market. It’s mission from the very start was and still is to help people of all ages to develop language skills to meaningfully shape their future for the better. With an enviable client base ranging from multinational corporations to kindergarten children, it’s visual identity was failing to send the right message. Innerpride was selected to reimagine a visual identity that would leverage the organization’s already acquired pedigree and make it stand out.
Managing an all female decision board was a challenging task. We we’re able to get the decision from the “cute” zone to the “strategic” zone. The result was a real success.
Ioana Tomasciuc, managing director, innerpride
innerpride worked together with Lektor to establish the foundational brand elements that would better resonate with prospective students and build brand recognition. After an in-depth analysis of the brand, innerpride developed a fresh visual language to help elevate perception and change perspectives. The strong visual metaphors we used for the logo design are the capital letter “L” and the open book, the universal symbol of education - the result is a vibrant monogram resembling a flag (the international symbol for multiculturality) expressing energy, transformation and a youthful spirit. The powerful color scheme is a complement to the modern logo design adding value and helping the brand stand out from the standard corporate blues. The photography comes in gray scale and exudes energy and joy by using daring poses – people jumping or celebrating. A natural extension of the logo, the visual style uses bright orange lines to create iconic buildings with a decorative as well as a functional role – to allude to the languages being taught at Lektor.
The new brand positioning: “Inspiring Change” - is an essence of what Lektor really is, an organization that enables change and fosters ambition.
The new brand identity was instantly embraced by the entire organization and generated a new wave of enthusiasm for the team which translated into fresh energy for the daily tasks.
Working with innerpride was more than a marketing project. It was an act of introspection during which we redefined who we are and what we do. It was a very well guided self discovery process at the end of which we updated and upgraded our goals as a company and our visual identity. Rebranding meant to us far more than developing a marketing strategy and designing a new mark, it was a rite of passage that highlighted Lektor's transition from mainstream to premium.
Andreea Nechifor, managing director, Lektor
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania