Work / Asirom
Rebranding one of the largest insurance companies in Romania
Asirom was one of the two companies that separated from the former Romanian state-owned insurance company after the fall of communism in 1989. With a legacy of branches and know how, it rapidly became the “default” insurer for Romanians. As the market liberalized and international players came to Romania, Asirom started to lose its leadership position due to its stiff structure and to its outdated image. By becoming a part of the VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP in 2007, Asirom had improved know-how and resources but kept the same outdated visual identity.
innerpride was appointed to communicate Asirom’s dominant position while also setting a new visual standard for the insurance market in Romania. The company had the know-how and the people, but the image was dusty, and people were still associating it with a not-so-happy past.
There was an acute need for a big shift: from a slow and big company who made the audiences skeptical, to a vibrant and simpler company that made the audiences enthusiast. We also needed to signal its flexible product portfolio that could transform Asirom into a differentiated provider.
After a comprehensive review of the market and the competition we decided the first major need was for a new positioning and subsequently for a new visual identity. The former visual identity used a worn-out cliché that accentuated only the national attribute of the company and usually got lost in the insurance visual landscape.
We started from the ground up, defining new brand values claiming Asirom’s unique position on the market. The new positioning: “simple. safe.” acted as a guiding principle for the entire re-branding process.
The Romanian heritage was important for the shareholders and the audiences but needed to be approached from a new angle. The new brand relies on a strong visual language derived from the works of the famous Romanian modern sculptor, Constantin Brancusi. The fluid lines and basic shapes create an iconic symbol while the new color scheme is fresh and forces the audiences to rethink everything Asirom related.
Rarely you have the opportunity and privilege to work with undisputed leaders in their field. This is both exciting and daunting. We approached Asirom with enthusiasm but also with great care for its legacy as an Romanian iconic brand.
George Nisioiu, founder & partner, innerpride
The new visual identity and positioning manages to capture a sense of modernity while capitalizing on acquired heritage. The new brand applications are simple and engaging creating a simpler interaction with the brand.
innerpride managed to surprise us by their resilience and their commitment for quality and detail. The process was overwhelming but we had the certainty we arrived at the best solution.
Cristian Ionescu, CEO & Chairman of the Board, Asirom
At the end of the day, it’s all about what we can do for you and your company.
We’re not only a very capable team, we’re also good people.
Offices / Headquarters
Colonel Langa 17, Iași, Romania