About / Key people

Ioana Stoleru, managing director

Expertise: project management, client services
Ioana must play with the complex puzzle which is innerpride, handling large amounts of paperwork and numbers. Every day she rearranges the pieces to form new answers to problems and challenges.

Keeping large projects in check it’s not easy, but Ioana makes it all seem like a breeze. She is responsible with projects such as STAR STORAGE, where she has to manage from 3 ongoing campaigns to 4 complex websites which are developed roughly at the same time. She must juggle between the innerpride teams and the client with great care for the tiny details that can speed up or slow down the project.

In what little spare time she has left, she’s also passionate about naming, having come up with the name TREFLE, for a national network of traditional Romanian blouses.

She’s also fun and outgoing bringing that feel-good vibe into the office.
Offices / Headquarters
Offices / Client services

The Ministry 79-81 Borough Rd, London SE1 1DN, UK